HERNING – Become a better leader

For you who have daily leadership responsibilities

Join a day about practical leadership

  • Gain valuable insights about yourself and those you lead
  • Acquire small practical tools that you can use daily in the stable
  • Participate in numerous practical exercises on conflict management
  • Receive useful tips and advice on how to motivate your team

What will you gain from this course?

  • Develop your leadership skills
  • Improve your communication with different types of people
  • Obtain tools for conflict management
  • Enhance your ability to create a positive environment and team spirit in your team
  • Acquire tools that can help you and your team achieve better results

Bente Juel Danyar, Leadership Advisor, SAGRO and
Stina Brødbæk Sørensen, Advisor, SvineRådgivningen

Course in English
Wednesday, January 29th
8.30 – 15.00

Birk Centerpark 24
7400 Herning
Deadline: January 24th

Sign up
Sign up can be done through SvineRådgivningen
at phone number +45 20 20 09 17 or email sof@sraad.dk

Starttidspunkt: 29-01-2025 kl. 8:30
Sluttidspunkt: 29-01-2025 kl. 15:00
  Sted: SAGRO, Birk Centerpark 24, 7400 Herning
  Pris for deltagelse: 3,800 DKK (includes teaching, materials, and catering)

Sidste dato for tilmelding: 24-01-2025

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